11. Walking in the Garden of Eden

The Prayer Garden is a podcast from St Peter’s Bethnal Green to help you meet with God and pray for the world.

Reading – Genesis 2:2-9.
Prayer – A prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.


Spirit of God, on the waste and the darkness
hovering in power as creation began
Drawing forth beauty from clay and from chaos
breathing God’s life in the nostrils of man

Come and sow life in the waste of our being,
pray in us, form us as children in the Son
Open our hearts to yourself, mighty Spirit
bear us to life in the Three who are one


We are an eclectic church community at the heart of East London which worships Jesus in scripture, Spirit, and the sacraments. We hope to be a safe haven to whoever steps through our doors.

Although our church building is currently closed, we hope that we can meet you in many ways, including through this podcast.

Find us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.